31/08/2024 Ramblings that aren't that much connected now that I'm thinking about it

Hey! Hello! Grettings! Sallutations!
So it took me a while to update this blog, huh? Sure it wasn't as bad as when I was working on the art gallery, but I think I should update more often. Anyway, I got stuff to talk about and things to show as well, so I better get to it, because it's gonna take a while!
This website:
First things first, I wanna talk about this very website!
So, I'm pretty close to finish the Chi's shrine! I've already talked about my plans and such so I'm not gonna list it again, but I'm happy it's all coming together! One thing that it's going to be a bit annoying is cropping any pic to decorate the page a little more, not because it's going to take a lot of time, but because the program that I'm using to do that sometimes just crash when I'm giving some final touches and it striaght up doesn't save the image!! This has already happened three times I think and I know it isn't much, but it's still annoying!!
Besides that, I need to update the art gallery. I already got a quite a lot of new works to show, but the process that it takes to put it up is kinda repetitive and a little dull, but anything fun also has a little side of boring, right? So yeah, I think I'm gonna focus on getting the new works up in the gallery and hey, if you're reading this then it means either I'm working on it or I already did it.
I wanted to talk about one extra thing related to sillyfes before getting to other subjects. So, one day I decided to save every page on the wayback machine! I mean, since I've ventured through a bunch of old websites already, I kinda thought "what if something happens to sillyfes in the future?", so I guess it's better to save it already just in case something happens and people could still take a look. A cool thing that I noticed was... my website already was in the wayback machine!!! It was a slight old version, but wow! You telling me someone decided to save my website before I did it? That's so cool! Thanks to whomever was responsible for it, I greatly appreciate it!!

The Video Game Museum:
I went to a video game museum a few weeks ago (can't remember when exactly). It was being hosted at a shopping mall that is way father then the one that has the Wadaiko Master machine, but hey, it seemed like a great way to spend the the day!
My mom and I saw a bunch of consoles throughout the whole visit. In fact, literally saw a bunch of "pong consoles" and "atari clones" right when we entered the mall! There were also old computer consoles, Nintendo, Sega, Xbox, Sony, tiger elletronic stuff even stuff like the CD-i and brazilian bootlegs!!! There was even an area that we could play with some consoles!
Overall, the museum was really cool! This sort of stuff rarelly happens in Brazil and it normally happens on the souther side the country, so it's was a nice experience! I was excited throughout the whole trip, sometimes gasping out loud with the consoles!
I'm gonna put some of the pictures I took right bellow. If it's hard to see it, just click the right side of the mouse and open the picture in another tab!

While I'm no stranger to emulation, I only got to experience a PS2 emulator quite recently, I think. Dunno if I said this before, but emulation is really cool! To create a virtual system that runs specific content must be a lot of work, but it must be something really magical to make!
I got a few games that I plan to play later, but I already got to try some. At the moment, I got to play: Pop'n Music Best Hits, Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 and Sonic Riders! Since I have a Dualshock 4, which is pretty similar to the Dualshock 2, it honestly wasn't that complicated to play them. I mean, I sometimes confused the comfirm button on the two japanese games I played (Pop'n and Boku 2), but it's no big deal to be honest.
Anyway, I'm glad I got to experience thse games and I hope I can experience a few more!

Btw I really vibe with Pop'n 5 Mimi
Kamen Rider:

I've been reading the Kamen Rider manga because I wanted to learn more about it. Since I was enjoying the managa a lot I decided I should watch the series as well, especially because Kamen Rider is more associated with a TV series rather then written media and I should say, yeah it's really good! Both of them, the manga and the series rocks!
Dispite their differences, both of the works really speak to me, y'know? Even if they are old pieces of media, I think the message and characters they show are conveyed really well! Dispite having his humanity taken away, Takeshi (and later Ichimoji) is a pretty heroic person, who wishes to use his powers to fight Shocker not because he wants to be the hero, but because he knows he's the only one who can oppose them, thus he continues his mission. Even if it's a lonely road that no one else will understand, Takeshi chooses to walk it. For the sake of nature, for the sake of the human race and for the sake of earth itself, Takeshi moves foward...
Of course, I haven't finished neither the series nor the manga yet, but I can't lie that it hypes me up a lot LoL. I huge recommend cheking them out and yeah I mean both of them. Comparing them was really interesting to me, and honestly? I think that adds to the experience.

Well then, I think that's it for now!
I kinda have the feeling that this blogpost was a bit more arkward, probably because I had to rewrite it a couple of times, but that's fine. Sometimes this sort of stuff just happens, right? One day we're able to write walls and walls of text, but then we'll get stuck in another day. In anyway, I hope that anyone who is reading still liked it regardless.

Better get to work!!