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23/03/2025 Nekojiru-sō X Corpse Dance AMV


Hey there!!
I've recently finished working on the project for the course I'm taking, the same one I've mentioned in the last blogpost. The project in question is an AMV featuring Nekojiru-sō and Corpse Dance by Kikou.

The AMV was made for an evaluation, to test waht the students have learned so far. We were instructed to pick whatever piece of media (example: movie, series, cartoon) and the music to go along as well. The only things the teacher wanted were:

  • The song used needs to have an start and a ending. You can cut-off certain parts of the middle, as long it isn't noticiable
  • You can't use a video and/or music that is heavily sexually explicit. Fictional gore and short depictions of nudity was fine.
  • Anything beyond we were free do to as we please.
    Frankly, I was already having ideas before the evaluation properly started, but then I decided to compilate each idea to figure out which I should use. One thing that our teacher said that we should "be certain of our theme before starting it, because if you start checking ideas before deciding which to use, you have a greater chance to be displeased of your pick after choosing it". So, basically, I had to compare the ideas in my head and figure out the best one among them without searching anything about it. I wrote whatever pairs (Video X Music) I had in mind and the one I was leaning towards was: Nekojiru-sō X Corpse Dance.
    It's probably no surprise that I like Nekojiru, as I've mentioned her works before and I also have links for websites based on them. I decided to pick Nekojiru-sō in specific and not Nekojiru Theather because I would have more scenes to work with. I also choose Corpse Dance because of it's themes of death, which I think it fits with Nekojiru-sō.

    You can watch the AMV on youtube. It's linked on the image below, so you can't miss it. The description is in PT-BR that also just explain the project. I hope you'll enjoy it!

    Well this is it for now! I'll go work on other stuff now. It's almost night to me right now, so good night for everyone! If it isn't night then I hope you'll have/you're having a good day!