22/10/2024 One year of Sillyfes!!

Hello internet people!! Guess what? This website has been up in the web for an entire WHOLE year!! Wowie!
This is kinda unreal for me. It doesn't feel like it has been a long time since I started making this website. I still remember I was reading tutorials and being all excited on that dawn, right after watching the newest episode of the webseries that I like. Unfortunally I don't that version saved anywhere and, at least as far as I'm aware, no one else saved it either, but I do remember how it looked like. If I'm not mistaken, the site only had one dark blue page with red text (or white, I don't fully remember that part) saying something like "Welcome to my website!". The latter half had just one screenshot of a Taiko No Tatsujin clay anime episode. I don't remember which part of the episode it was, but I'm pretty sure it's the one down bellow

In anyway, I'm glad I managed to build this place from ground up, with a huge help from the internet (and my brother). I'm happy this is an actual thing that is live and that it exists and not just an idea in my head. I still have a long way to go for my other projects, but sillyfes truly is a testament to prove that I CAN do it.
I'm thankful for my friends, family, teachers and therapists for encouraging me to keep going, even if they didn't fully understood it themselfs. I'm also thankful for anyone who visited this site, as that proves this is real!
Well, besides that, it's gonna be halloween really soon! Dispite not being celebrated (or at least not as much) here in Brazil, I don like Halloween quite a bit. Maybe because I'm more familiar with movies that pass during it or just because I like spooky stuff. Unfortunally there is no Halloween party going on, so I can't really dress up as some shitty monster and such, so I'm just playing stuff that has a Halloween vibe. Still, I wonder what I would be if halloween was that big here. If it was based on what I have in my house right now, well... people would probably be confused as hell LoL! Like, I don't have a costume or at least anything that fits together, so I would just look like a random guy with random things on him. If I did have an option I would probably be a vampire I think, just because of the cape and because it would be easy to understand, to be honest. Like sure I could go as my favorite fictional character, but I don't think anyone would guess it right. Besides vampires can look pretty cool too, so I'm fine with that!

I also started watching a new anime (for me) recently! I was scrolling through Netflix to see what they had in store. I knew they had the new Dan Da Dan anime, but I just wanted to see if it had anything else I would enjoy. Then I saw they had an anime I was looking forward to watch for a while: "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken" (The last part means "Dai's Great Adventure", but the official english name is "The Adventures of Dai"). Why I was corious? Well, because I like DQ and also because this anime has aired in Brazil before! The original 90s anime was broadcasted as "Fly: O Pequeno Guerreiro" (literally "Fly: the small/tiny warrior"). I only know about that because of some old youtube channels that talked about old stuff from the tv. I honestly don't know much of this dub, but it's cool that it exists at all, even if it didn't had the Dragon Quest brand (also yeah Dai's name is Fly here, dunno why either). I guess the coolest thing is that the brazilian dub had it's own theme song! I've listened to it quite a few times and I don't it's bad and it kindas captures the themes of the anime without being "I'm gonna fight evil and be the best and do good" kind of theme song.
I've watched a few episodes of the remake and I think it's a good one, to be honest. My mom said it really has a "90s vibe", so I think that's a plus, althought I'm not sure if a lot of people would agree with her. There is some CGI here and there, but I don't they looked bad. They can feel a bit arkward, but honestly noticing that the models used for mosnters and such are from the games made me appreciate them.
Apparently it has been promised an official pt-br translation of the manga for quite sometime, but I think it has a chance for it to released this year, so let's see.
I got just one last thing to talk about! I've been working on the "writings" page as I said I would, but I've got into a js problem, so I'll probably need to change some stuff, but things like theme and such are ready!

(^^^^ This is how it's looking at the moment. The toggle button isn't working that well, so I'll either see if I can fix it or just change it completally)
Well that's it for now! Let's go for another year of activity and updates!