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26/09/2024 Being proud and also sorta confused


Hello there internet people! Hope everything's going well with y'all! To be honest, I was feeling kinda down in the last few weeks, but now my mood is back up in full power or, well, I would say it's back to a reasonable amount of good vibes LoL.
The reform that was going in my house is finally over too! The walls are looking nice and some changes were made for the better, which makes me happy. My throat has gotten better as well! I'm still coughing and such, but at least not as much as it was before! Yahooo!


Besides that, I got some stuff to talk about (well, duh, right?), so it's better get to it!!



In the course I'm taking, we're getting the chance to use a drawing tablet for our lessons and we can use it after hours too, as long we give it back, of course. I've used this chance to make a few arts of my own, and I would say I'm quite happy with them! You can see one of these drawings in the art gallery, being a Sonic CD fan art that I did for a contest inside the course. I've got another finished piece as well, but I did it as a birthday present for a friend of mine, so I feel I shouldn't share it in the internet, since it holds a sentimental value. Aside of those two, I got a few sketches, but none worth showing yet.
I'm pretty happy I got to use the drawing tablet and how the drawings turned out! I'm feeling really proud of myself and I think, in some way, I've managed to evolve artistically, even if just a little bit.


I've noticed that a lot of games are on sale at the moment. Dunno if it's some holiday or something, but I've found some good deals, so I've decided to spend some of my money, without going over board, of course. The problem is that sometimes I feel there is something wrong with me? It's hard to explain, but buying games one after another kinda makes me uncomfortable, even thought all of them are dirty cheap and also stuff I'm interested in.
I've asked around a little if maybe I'm the kind of people that "buys a bunch of stuff when is given the chance", but I've only gotten the response "no, you aren't that kind of person", which in some I can understand in someways. None of the products were expensive, in fact most of them were cheaper than a regular manga volume. All of them are things I'm interested in and that I want to play and experience them. But even still I can't help but feel worried about myself.
Am I being way too harsh to myself? Probably, yeah. I suppose most people would think "Damn, what a great deal!" instead of "I think there's something wrong with me". In anyway, even I feel this disconfort, I would say the products I bought were good deals and pretty fun games too, and I plan to finish every single one of them.
Still, I wish my brain didn't complicate such simple things for no reason whatsoever


anfjonfwejfnjsdfnjsnf I'm gonna get a headache...



I've read other people's websites and I saw some that had a "review" section and I think that sounds like a good thing to add on Sillyfes too. Not exactly "reviews" since I'm no expert for that sorta stuff, but maybe a "writing" section or something where I can share my thoughts on stuff I experienced (I'm not gonna lie, I mean mostly games and manga since I like those). It's probably going to be a fun thing to do, since I already go miles just talking about random stuff that happened recently (and maybe my whole "Octomania" speech would make more sense into that).
Also, have I said I'm liking making the Chi's Sweet Home shrine? I totally did, but I'm gonna say it again: I'm liking making the Chi shrine!! I can't wait to make other shrines for other things I love, because it's pretty damn fun!


Well, I think that's all for now. Actually, a teacher of mine, whom I've talked about a few times in this site, is planning to make his very own personal website, which I'm pretty excited for! When he get the meat and bones for his website, I'm gonna ask him to make a button so I can link him.
I hope everyone is doing well this month! See y'all next time, hopefully with some of my ideas realized as well!!
