[07/10/2022] Titled "Icy Cool Blues". It's a fanart of Cirno from Touhou. Fairy Wars is the only bullet hell Touhou game that I own (I bought it on steam), and even after a long time, I still can't beat it LoL! I really like the freezing mechanics, because it makes you see the bullet patterns in a different way, but I can't replay it a bunch of time, one after another, not only because my fingers starts to hurt, but also because it starts to frustates me. I think I'm getting better, but not enough to not use continues (I'm not a hardcore player, I just want to play the extra stage) and learning I have to finished multiple times, going different routes, also doesn't help. I'm not saying this game is bad, far from it, but it sorta makes me feel like what would be an simple objective became a complex equation. I remember seeing Zun playing Imperishable Night with a PS2 controller before, so maybe I'll try going for something like that instead of the good ol' keyboard. The music is good, btw, you should listen to it!! (ignore the six fingers ignore the six fingers ignore the six finger)